영어회화 | 연습가이드 #24 (Part 1 of 2) | 영화를 보고 뭐가 좋았는지 설명할 때 사용하게 되는 여러가지 기본 표현

Contract Thompson://worldwide.There’s “Tuber”.Europe and America/Wadonsonization? Woman = 3rd Middle School Division Chosha Shimoji Brigade 4 & List = Pinris Nusemi Removal 0 Beef 3 526 Reasonable European Coffee 3 Gun Substances 7 Weather 8 & Your Young = 108What I did was very good: I like(d) how / I like(the fact) if it wasn’t that: otherwise, right? : Don’t you think ~ It would’ve felt ~ It would’ve felt ~ More often than notIt was so much fun.The story was good and the acting was great.It was really nice to have fun elements here and there.If not, don’t you think it would have been too serious in general?And even though he’s not famous, I think he cast good actors well.Actually, when you look at a famous actor, you can see only that actor, not that character.It was really good.The story was good and the acting was great. I like to add comedy here and there.Otherwise, don’t you think you felt too serious throughout the movie?And I think when they were watching a really famous star, they often cast a good actor who wasn’t very famous and could see actors and actresses instead of actors.*do a good job of -ing: 어떤 일/역할/과제 등을 잘 해내다.

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